
香书小说 > 腹黑公主的复仇游戏 > 【复仇】33:在英国①


“see mother!(参见母后!)”三人单膝跪地。

“stand up please, we first recall, and identity。(快快请起吧,我们先回忆一下,希的身份。)”

“my english name is: f andrea, is the youngest princess, queens goddaughter, the british royal family。 yun andrea duke。(我的英文名是:希·安德利亚,是英国最小的公主,英国女皇的义女,英国皇室的宠儿。也是允·安德利亚公爵。)”

“your brother and the sister s identity。(你皇兄和皇姐的身份。)”

“brother ray andrea, the first prince, also declared that the marquis of ray andrea; the sister cherry, andrea, britain s first princess, also claims that in andrea earl。(皇兄瑞·安德利亚,英国的第一位王子,也是对外宣称的瑞·安德利亚侯爵;皇姐樱·安德利亚,英国的第一位公主,也是对外宣称的樱·安德利亚伯爵。)”

“very nice。 now the point, r-h and xis cooperation plan you at what time?(很好!现在说正事,r-h和郗氏的合作计划你定在什么时候?)”

“its next week from this wednesday。(下个星期三。)”

“do you still have someone?(那你还约了什么人吗?)”

“granville silver, yin chunjin and qin anna。(银威、银纯瑾还有秦安娜。秦安娜就是银纯瑾她妈。)”

“are you ready for open identity?(你准备公开身份?)”

“at least be announced i was r-hs supreme leader。(起码要对外宣布我是r-h的最高领导人。)”

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